Women in Fisheries No 15 (April 2005)

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Number 15 (April 2005)

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Aliti Vunisea. Coastal Fisheries Management Officer, SPC, BP D5, 98848 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia. Fax +687 263818


Pacific Community, Fisheries Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems Division, Information Section, SPC, BP D5, 98848 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia.
Produced with financial assistance from the Australian Government, the European Union, France and the New Zealand Aid Programme.

Editor's note

Welcome to this issue of the Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin. The various articles indicate the diverse range of fisheries activities that communities, and especially women, are involved in.

Not only are women increasingly involved in fisheries development, they are also the group most affected by major fisheries development ventures. The articles on the tuna industry in the Marshall Islands and Kiribati focus on the activities of seafarers and sex workers, and how expansion in the industry places young women and seafarers’ wives at great risk of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. The national tuna and management plans being developed by the Forum Fisheries Agency include a socioeconomic and gender component, which looks specifically into the impacts of the industry.

Offering a perspective of fisheries activities at the community level, Samisoni and Lilian Sauni discuss the state of the Tuvalu inshore fishery, threats to the fisheries, and ways to address the threats. In a separate article Samisoni also provides some insight into the need for scientific resource assessment in management. He argues that with resource assessment and monitoring, management decisions can be based on the highest quality scientific information regarding the biological, social and economic status of the fisheries.

Kim and Clare point to a need to disseminate fisheries information in Papua New Guinea. Poor exchange of information between stakeholders and sectors, for reasons that the authors discuss at length, has been identified as a major constraint to coastal fisheries development. Also discussed in the article are measures taken to try to address the situation — a challenging task given the expanse of the country, its vast population and its diverse languages. With reference to Samoa, Talavou discusses the need for awareness work in communities before management work can be successful. To enable people to be responsible for management of resources, one of the main starting points is making them aware of problems that exist within their marine environment. He presents several approaches that the Samoa Fisheries Department has used to create national and community awareness.

Satya briefly discusses a tilapia farming project in Driti,Vanua Levu, Fiji, involving women at the forefront. He explains how such projects can be implemented in rural communities to support social and economic livelihoods. Within the last two years this initiative has met with tremendous success in terms of monetary and food benefits, as well as community participation and mobilisation.

A short article on the humphead wrasse sets a precedent and challenge to fisheries managers in the region. The species has been listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna. For any species so listed, trade must be regulated by permits and the importing and exporting countries.

Shunji argues that policy development, decision-making and responsible fisheries management will be enhanced by adequate fisheries data and information that is generated in a timely and reliable manner. He also highlights information needs from outside the government sector, and the tendency for data to be used by a diverse range of stakeholders.

Passion but nothing new was the general feeling at an international meeting in late 2004. This article questions where fisheries management is heading. Most of what we are now doing and what we are planning to do has already been identified and pursued in the last decade. What we may need are new directions and ways of thinking.

As to future issues of this bulletin, we welcome articles on any subject related to community fisheries, women in fisheries, and coastal fisheries development and management. The deadline for articles for the next (June) issue is 30 April 2005. Please send all articles to [email protected]

Aliti Vunisea


Benefits and costs of the tuna industry: The case of the Marshall Islands
Vunisea A. (pdf: 121 KB)
HIV risks through the tuna industry
Vunisea A. (pdf: 73 KB)
Vulnerability and dependence: The nearshore fisheries of Tuvalu
Sauni S., Fay Sauni L. (pdf: 106 KB)
Inshore resource assessment and monitoring
Sauni S. (pdf: 110 KB)
Improving communications with Papua New Guinea's coastal fishers
DesRochers K., Ame C. (pdf: 332 KB)
Raising community awareness: A starting point for sustainable management
Taua A. (pdf: 108 KB)
Driti Women's Tilapia Project
Nandlal S. (pdf: 96 KB)
Information requirements for policy development, decision-making and responsible fisheries management: What data should be collected?
Sugiyama S. (pdf: 116 KB)
Community-based fisheries management in Niue
Vunisea A. (pdf: 124 KB)
World Fisheries Congress: Passion, but nothing new
Nandakumar D. (pdf: 60 KB)
News from the SPC Coastal Fisheries Management Section: Niue
Vunisea A. (pdf: 165 KB)