


Fifth SPC Regional Technical Meeting

on Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture

11-14 October 2022




RTMCFA 5: Working papers

WP1: Changing behaviour in Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture through Monitoring,
Control, Surveillance & Enforcement pdf: pdf

WP2: What science is needed for trade in CITES-listed sea cucumber species? pdf: pdf

WP3: From assessment to strategy - Pacific aquaculture innovations for a Blue Transformation pdf: pdf

WP4: Implementation of Regional Aquatic Biosecurity Framework and National Aquatic Biosecurity Plans pdf: pdf

WP5: Suite of tools for coastal fisheries and aquaculture: access, usage and support pdf: pdf

RTMCFA 5: Information papers

IP1: Fifth Regional Technical Meeting on Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Purpose and format pdf: pdf

IP2: Pacific Island country and territory coastal fisheries and
aquaculture priority technical needs, issues, challenges, and actions pdf: pdf

IP3: Background Information on Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture,
Monitoring Control Surveillance and Enforcement pdf: pdf

IP4: TAILS and IKASAVEA: Different approaches but same teampdf: pdf

IP5: What is needed for trade in CITES-listed sea cucumber species?pdf: pdf

IP6: HOF14 Working Paper 6 Addendum: Revised proposal for inter-sessional decision on process,
stakeholder consultants, and timeline to develop a new Regional Aquaculture Strategypdf: pdf

IP7: JICAs Technical Cooperation on Pacific Islands Capacity Enhancement
for Achieving SDG 14 (2020-2025) pdf: pdf

IP8: Building legal capacity for sustainable and equitable coastal fisheries and aquaculture management pdf: pdf

IP9: Co-establishing Sustainable National Community-based Fisheries Management
Programs in the Pacific Pathways-2 Project pdf: pdf

IP10: Summary of PICT coastal fisheries priority technical needs, issues and challenges pdf: pdf

IP11: Summary of PICT aquaculture priority technical needs, issues and challengespdf: pdf

IP12: Breakout session feedback on WP4: Implementation of the Regional framework
on aquatic biosecurity and National Aquatic Biosecurity Planspdf: pdf

RTMCFA 5: Background papers

BP1: Outcomes and Action Plan from RTMCFA4pdf: pdf

BP2: Assessment of the aquaculture needs, priorities and future direction in the Pacific Islands region.
Draft final report, 8 May 2022.pdf: pdf

RTMCFA 5: Informal documents

RTMCFA5 - Meeting announcementpdf: pdf

RTMCFA5 - Hybrid meeting procedurespdf: pdf

RTMCFA5 - List of participantspdf: pdf

RTMCFA5 - Agendapdf: pdf

RTMCFA5 - Photosmall_photo


2nd Community-Based Fisheries Dialogue (CBFD2) Information papers

CBFD.IP1: Overview of the purpose and format of the Community-Based
Fisheries Dialogue


CBFD.IP2: Co-establishing Sustainable National Community-based
Fisheries Management Programs in the Pacific Pathways-2 Project


CBFD.IP3: Brief update on the implementation of the Pacific Framework for Action on
Community-Based Fisheries Management: 2021-2025


CBFD.IP4: A call to action from small-scale fishers


CBFD.IP5: Press-kit: A call to action from small-scale fishers


2nd Community-Based Fisheries Dialogue (CBFD2) Background papers

CBFD.BP1:Outcomes Report from the 1st Community-Based Fisheries Dialoguepdf: pdf

CBFD.BP2: Pacific Framework for Action on Scaling up Community-based Fisheries Management:
2021-2025 pdf: pdf

CBFD.BP3: Community-Based Fisheries Dialogue Convenor Provisional Terms of Reference (ToR) pdf: pdf

CBFD.BP4: Community-Based Fisheries Dialogue Vice-Convenor Provisional Terms of Reference (ToR) pdf: pdf

CBFD.BP5: Community-Based Fisheries Dialogue - Advisory Group (CBFD-AG) Provisional Terms of Reference (ToR) pdf: pdf

CBFD.BP6: 1st Community-Based Fisheries Dialogue - Post-meeting FAQpdf: pdf

2nd Community-Based Fisheries Dialogue (CBFD2) Informal papers

CBFD.INF1: Meeting Announcement pdf: pdf

CBFD.INF2: Provisional Agenda


CBFD2 - Photosmall_photo

RTMCFA 5 and CBFD 2: Powerpoint presentations ppt

Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 November 2022 08:35